Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Forex Trading - Instantly Increase Your Profits With The 80 - 20 Rule

The 80 20 rule was not devised for Forex trading - however if you apply it in your trading, you'll instantly increase your profit potential. The rule is simple to understand and apply - and all Forex traders should use it.

So, what is the 80 20 rule, and why is it so powerful in terms of making Forex profits?

The Logic of the 80 20 Rule

In the nineteenth century, Vilfredo Pareto, an Italian philosopher, observed that a small section of the population held most of the money and power. He postulated that in most countries, 80% of the money and power was controlled by around 20% of the people. Therefore, 20% of the participants accounted for 80% of the results.

The 80 20 rule applies to many other areas of life - including Forex trading, and in simple terms, the key point to consider is this:

80% of your results will be generated by 20% of your efforts.

This also means that:

20% of your results will be generated by 80% of your efforts.

In Forex trading, its a fact that most traders make this critical error they trade too much - and try to force results by working too hard.

Heres what you need to do, to apply the 80 20 rule in Forex trading, and increase your results:

1. Cut out short term trading - like Forex day trading. In day trading, you trade frequently - but it simply doesnt work. This is because all short-term volatility is random - and you can never get the odds in your favor.

2. Only trade significant technical patterns - such as critical breaks of support and resistance, with your Forex trading system.

3. Risk more per trade on the good trades - up to 20% is OK. Remember, risk goes with reward - and you need to take meaningful calculated risks, when the odds are in your favor.

4. Dont diversify! Forex traders think this spreads risk, but all it does, is simply dilute profit.

In terms of your Forex trading strategy: Focusing on the above will make you more money but youll also reduce the effort you put in.

Shift your emphasis to long term trading - and only trade the best signals. By doing this, your workload - and the amount of time you need to spend on your Forex analysis will be reduced.

If you apply the 80 20 rule to your Forex trading in the above way, youll cut the effort you put in. Youll also increase the profits you make - and thats what all Forex traders want!

Cutting the Effort You Put In and Getting Bigger Rewards

Many people think that the more effort you put in, the better the results you obtain. This is true in many areas of life - but not Forex trading! Here you are paid for being right with your Forex trading signals - thats all.

Also, dont fall for the myth that the more you trade, the better your chance is of having Forex trading success. This is simply not true - because the big trades, with the best ratio of risk to reward dont come around that often.

Incorporate the 80 - 20 rule in your Forex trading strategy, and watch your profits soar.

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