Saturday, October 6, 2007

Marketing On The Cheap: Join The What?

Your local Chamber of Commerce.

Now before you stop reading, I assure you this really works, and no, this is not an advertisement for the Chamber of Commerce although it may read like one.

What seems now like a hundred years ago I owned and operated a company that was made up of three components: a monthly magazine that we converted over to the Internet (; a graphic art studio; and an advertising agency. While we were in our infant stages, one of the tools I used to build a client base was a one hour consultation for new business start-ups on how to get business with little or no advertising budget.

This program was very successful, and we ended up with a number of excellent clients that stayed with us for years. Most, if not everything that I suggested in that one hour session many years back, is still valid today.

The first thing I would recommend for a new business owner was to become a joiner. If your business is a mama-papa business, you should both join an organization or two, but not the same ones. Spread it out.

The first organization I always recommended joining was the local Chamber of Commerce. Your Chamber of Commerce should be the number one advocate for business of all sizes in your community. Most are structured about the same way with a variety of committees that deal with specific issues related to different aspects that make up your community. Make sure you become active in the committee that has the closest relationship to your business. If you are a retailer, join the retail merchants committee; if you are a contractor, you may want to join the government affairs committee or the transportation and traffic committee, etc., etc. If the opportunity presents itself, you may also want to consider chairing one of these committees or gaining a seat on the board of directors. This will add instant credibility and more exposure to you and your business. But be selective and dont take on more responsibilities then you want to do or, worse yet, than you can do. Failing here can create negative public relations, the direct opposite of why you are there to begin with.

Most Chambers also sponsor any number of different networking opportunities ranging form mixers to field trips. Attend as many of these functions as you can, and always make sure you wear a nametag and have plenty of businesses cards with you. My favorites were the mixers. However, dont be obnoxious about it. I have seen people attending chamber events and simply walking around and sticking their business cards in peoples faces and launching into some sort of sales pitch. This wont get it done. In fact, all it will do is tick people off. Remember, you are only there to meet and greet people and make friends and contacts, not sell them something right then and there.

Also remember that most, if not all, people in attendance are probably there for the same reason you are. Quite often I found it more beneficial to listen more then talk. People that have something to say are appreciative of those that are willing to listen. I can remember incidences where someone would say to me later that I really made a great impression on so-and-so, and that they thought what a great guy I was. In reality, I hardly said more then 20 words to so-and-so, but I did spend a half hour listening to him.

Some Chambers will arrange a ribbon cutting ceremony for you when you first join, assuming yours is a new business. If your business is not all that new, they may be willing to do something similar in the way of announcing you as a new member to the Chamber.

Most Chambers have a monthly newsletter and accept press releases. Some also sell advertising at very reasonable price. Also keep in mind that if you are an active member and maybe even a committee chairperson or board member, you may have your own column in the newsletter or at least a listing as a committee chair or member of the board. This listing usually will include the name of your business.

If your committee is dealing with important issues and or events, there may also be additional benefits in the way of local media coverage. I always made sure I chaired at least one or two events a year, and I picked the ones that were most likely to effect a large segment of the community "in a positive way". This becomes important. For instance, you may want to think twice about chairing a committee to recall the local mayor and opt instead to take over the Christmas Parade.

A lot of Chambers sponsor trade shows. If promoted right, these events will offer an excellent opportunity for you to showcase your business. The trade shows are sometimes limited to a specific type of business. An example may be an electronics show or a fashion show. Obviously, if you sell running shoes, setting up a booth among nothing but big screen TVs and laptop computers may not be the place for you. On the other hand if you sell insurance, this may be the place for you to pitch homeowners insurance to people with a lot of high priced electronic gadgets. You have to pick and choose the right place at the right time.

Another function some, if not most, Chambers sponsor are seminars. Dont miss the opportunity to present yourself as an expert in your field. Explore the possibility of becoming a presenter at a seminar being offered.

Dont over look the possibility of selling your goods or services directly to the Chamber itself. Its a fairly good bet that, with little exception, they are not going outside their own membership to purchase anything unless they absolutely have to. If you do get a chance to do business with them, make sure you give them the best service and the best prices you can. The last thing you want to do is over charge or under serve what is probably the largest and most influential business organization in your area.

The list of possible exposure via your chamber is endless -- web site listings, yearly directories both on line and hard copy, referral services, business card racks, local maps and on and on. I cant possibly cover all the advantages of membership. There will be many other opportunities that your involvement will create for you. Yet, not all of the benefits can be, nor should they be, measured in dollars and cents. One of the greatest benefits of being a member will be in the overall pride and satisfaction that you will get, knowing you are a leader working to make your community a better place to live. You cant put a price on that.

Check out for a number of other ideas on promoting your business on a budget.

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Floyd Snyder has been trading and investing in the stock market for three decades. He was on the forefront of the day trading craze that swept the nation back in the late 1990's both as a trader and as the moderator of one of the Internet's largest real time trading rooms. He is the owner of , Strictly Business Magazine at,, and

Trade Stocks

Day Trading

Lets assume you are a new entrant to the day trading. Till now you havent traded stocks or futures except your baseball cards as a kid and that was years ago. As an employee you have slogged really hard and now you are successful in your respective field. However, recently you decided to venture out in trade securities with some of your accumulated savings. The first word of caution to you will be, stay on your toes and play intelligently.

The world of day trading sounds easy and simple. Thanks to the ads on TV. In reality, it isnt an easy task and you have to play safe with open eyes. Being a novice to this field, it will be advisable to go for an online day trading broker. Day trading world is fast paced where stocks, futures, and currencies are speedily bought and sold on the same day. You have to match up this swift speed and also try to have updated information. Many people are still in qualm whether day trading is a positive aspect of trading in the stock market.

Traders have successfully ventured in day trading, will call it a science, which is difficult to master for the average person. Many investors are fascinated to the idea of brisk returns but it involves a high amount of risk that traders may or may not be ready for. For a successful stint in day trading you ought to have knowledge of the fundamentals involved in online day trading. These fundamentals will keep you away from losing money in any part of the stock market. If we talk in a layman terms, day trading is the practice of buying and selling financial instruments, such as stocks, stock options, currencies, equity index futures, interest rate futures, and commodity futures within the same trading day.

In contemporary day trading, majority day traders are bank or investment firms employees working as consultants in equity investment and fund management. Off lately, day trading has become very popular among casual traders too. This is due to rapid advances in technology, changes in legislation, and the popularity of the Internet. Online is the best place for day trading these days, as you dont have to go anywhere and everything can be easily done with a click of your mouse. If you hire the best company in online stock trading you are at a beneficial end. They are the ones who will do all strategy making on your behalf. Majority day traders employ various trends, such as range trading, scalping, and playing news.

Range trading: This range trading is the buying of stocks that are falling. These falling stocks are brought at the lowest price and later they are sold at a higher price.

Scalping: Scalping or also known as spread trading and quick trading, mainly consists of settling a trade within a matter of seconds or minutes.

Playing news: The last one to follow is playing news and it is one of the most popular strategies for day traders. It usually consists of purchasing stocks that offers the investor good returns and selling the ones that wont.

The proven way of emerging winner in day trading is to have extremely up-to-date information. Information can be gathered from various sources such as from an online broker, day trading companies, day trading websites, and many more mention. Day trading involves requisite skills and strategies that can be gained through either by online day trading broker or by contacting

SogoInvest is a discount online brokerage stock day trading firm. This product-oriented day trading firm is more towards investor, along with a beginner or an advanced professional. If you are seeking to build a long term and varied portfolio, without using expensive and complicated methods SogoInvest should be your certain destination.

online stock market trading can be an enriching experience when you know how to trade stocks.

The Fat Lady

The operatic fat lady is singing and she has many choruses to go. As you know an opera is a musical drama. Unfortunately the one we are watching has terrible screeching with discordant sounds. This opera is called The Market and the scene we are watching is called The Bear.

She started singing 3 years ago and is becoming worse and worse. Will she ever stop?

This act has followed a very long and pleasant act called The Bull. Everyone was beautifully dressed, lived in wonderful houses complete with giant TVs and 2 cars in every garage. The singer was on key and had a wonderful voice. From my experience with operas each Bull act is followed by a Bear act of equal length. I hope the fat lady will quit singing much sooner than that. Is there any way to escape that raucous sound?

Does the stock market follow the opera? Lets look at the facts. From 1920 to 2000 there were 3 major bull markets that lasted about 16 years with each followed by a bear market that lasted about an equal length of time. Does it mean we have about 13 more years before the next bull move will occur? If you are a student of history and historic cycles the answer must be Yes. When you look within the economic and political machinations there doesnt seem to be much hope for any kind of quick recovery.

Is the fat lady singing in other countries too? It seems she is. Of 34 countries only 6 had positive results for their market indexes that are similar to the New York Stock Exchange and none of these 6 were large countries. Many of the other 27 had losses greater than the U.S. In the chorus most of them were off key. In the stock market 96% of all stock mutual funds lost money during 2002. The opera is bad enough, but the stock market is worse because I am continuing to lose money. Is there anything I can do?

During the opera I can stuff cotton in my ears to stop the noise. Can I stop the losses in the market? Yes. And it is pretty easily done. On all stock you own whether it has a profit or a loss place an open stop loss order at the price you will sell it if it drops that low. Are you willing to lose as much again as you have lost so far?

Brokers will discourage you from doing this, but it isnt their money. Ask them if they will guarantee it (in writing , of course). If they wont, you will know what to do.

You may not be able to stop the fat lady from singing, but you can stop the noise (market losses) with a stop-loss order so you can sleep soundly once again.

Al Thomas' book, "If It Doesn't Go Up, Don't Buy It!" has helped thousands of people make money and keep their profits with his simple 2-step method. Read the first chapter at and discover why he's the man that Wall Street does not want you to know.

Copyright 2005

Stock-Bond and Option

We may not familiar with option but we are sure that most of us know what is stock and bond. Stock is an equity that representing a company value. By purchasing stock, you are actually buying the ownership of a public listed company, which means that you are one of the owners of the company. There are many purposes to purchase stocks. It can for long term investment, short term investment, really intending to own a company or speculation for very short term investment. No matter what is their purpose, usually, they will buy large amount of stock. Especially, for them who want to control the administration of a public listed company. This kind of investor will buy as many stocks as possible in order that they have a majority stock in their hand. In this kind of situation, he or she has the control power to the company administration and can do some modification to the processing and also the management of the company. By owning an amount of stock, you will be paid dividend if the company has declared it. Some company may not pay you any dividend depending to the company highest management decision. Some company may let you vote in their company election such electing a suitable CEO or MD. When you own a stock, you have the total control of this stock. You can sell it anytime if you think that you no longer intended to own it or you think that it is not worth to own it. You can also keep it for your whole life and use it as collateral to borrow money from bank or financial institution.

Bond is a debt that the bond issuer own you if you have bought the bond. When there is a project to carry out regardless it is a big or small project, if the people who intend to start the project do not have money, one of the sources for them to generate fund is by printing bond and selling it to public. By doing this, they can generate fund to carried out the project. This seem like the owner of the project borrows money from you and they give you the bond as evidence that they have borrowed money from you. By owning this bond, you will be paid interest and repaid all the money that you have lent to them at a specific date. Not anybody can print bond and sell it to public. People who want to do so have to apply to the government as a bond issuer. Usually, these people are from corporate agency, states, cities and federal government agency. As a bond holder, you have priority to have your money back compared to shareholder if the bond issuer goes broke. They will pay back the money for you as a bond holder before they pay to their shareholder.

Stock and bond have a tangible value that you can grasp and visualize. The ownership of a stock that you have purchased can last for a long time as long as you continue hold this stock and dont sell it. The ownership of a stock can not be canceled unless the company goes broke (means that the company have declared bankruptcy). Bond usually has contract type repayment schedule and once they have paid back all the money that you have lent to them, the bond will end. The third type of investment does not give a whole life ownership and does not provide any tangible value. The validity of this investment has expiration date. Once the expiration date has over, the whole investment will become worthless. Apart from that, the value of this investment will decline when the time passes by. These are part of the features that options have. Due the lack of tangible value, worthlessness after expiration date and value declines due to the time has passed by; all these make options seem too risky to be invested for most of the people. However, there are still a lot of investors interested in option investment. Do you know why?

This is because not all methods that had been used in trading option are risky. What had been mentioned just now such as lack of tangible value, worthless after expiration date and option value declines after the time had passed by can work to our advantage. For an example, we can sell option that has a very short period of time to expiration date, which has a low possibility to become in the money option. Like this, when the time has passed by, option value that has declined will be our gain. There are limited strategies to trade stock but for option, there are a lot of strategies can be utilized. For stock, we either buy or sell stock. Thats all what we can do. But for option, we can combine a few positions together to form a synthetic position to earn money from the stock that move either up, down or side way. You will realize that options are very flexible after you have study more about it. You can use options in numerous situations and create numerous opportunities.

An option is a contract of agreement that allows you have a privilege in executing transaction involving 100 units of stock. This agreement only involves the option buyer and seller. This privilege includes a specific stock with a specific fixed price per share and also a specific date in the future for its validity. When we have bought a contract of option, we do not have any equity in the stock and any debt position. What we have is a contractual right to buy and sell 100 units of share at a fixed price within a fixed period of time. You will feel wondering why we need to purchase an option to gain the right since we can always buy or sell 100 units of share at the current market price. The answer is that option has fixed the stock price that you can buy or sell and this is the key to an options value. Stock price is unpredictable and this feature makes stock market investment interesting and also very risky. When we own an option, the stock price that we can sell and buy 100 units share is already frozen for as long as the option remains valid. Finally, the options value is determined by the comparison of the fixed price and the stock market current price.

Alexander Chong

Author of Workable Option Trading Strategies

The Powershares ETF Edge

While I tend to favor iShares an investment tool because of the wide menu and country specific options they provide investors, I have to say that I am increasingly impressed with the new and fast-growing Powershares family of ETFs and will be adding two of them to portfolios this month. Powershares also address one weakness of iShares which is that they track indexes that market cap weighted.

In other words, the weighting of a company in a particular ETF is dependent on the value of its outstanding shares. This means that the bigger companies tend to affect the ETFs performance much more than the smaller companies. Of course, big doesnt always mean better. Powershares essentially creates its own indexes based on rules-based quantative analysis that they refer to as intelligent indexes.

This seems to me to be more useful than blindly following market cap weighted indexes. There are two Powershares that I particularly like at this point. The first is a biotech Powershare (PBE) that contains 30 biotech companies. If its holdings were weighted by market cap, two companies, Amgen and Genentech would account for more than 60% of its holdings.

Instead your exposure is spread among 30 different companies with no company accounting for more than 5% of the total. 30% of your exposure is to large cap companies, 26% is to mid-cap companies and 43% is to small cap companies. The biotech Powershare is an aggressive position so dont get carried away. I think it is a smart play on the tremendous opportunities for capital appreciation in the biotech industry which is showing some momentum after trading sideways since early 2004. The annual fee is only 0.60%.

The other Powershare that I like is the International Dividend Achievers Powershare which contains 42 ADRs traded on U.S. exchanges. I am usually not a big fan of ADRs since they usually trade at a premium to the underlying security but they do offer some comfort to investors since they meet U.S. reporting requirements and can be easily purchased on U.S. exchanges.

The ADRs in this Powershare have to pass a stiff test: five fiscal years in a row of increased dividends. Again the top holdings are no more than 5% of the total index and so you get great diversification. One problem with the most widely used international index, the MSCI Europe Asia & Far East Index (EAFE) is its concentration in Japan and the United Kingdom which account for almost 50% of the total index.

Meanwhile exposure to promising countries such as Ireland and Hong Kong are less than 2%. Last year, the Powershares index beat the MSCI EAFE index by 7% and companies in the index averaged a 29% return on equity. The index is re-balanced quarterly and has an annual fee of 0.50%. Right now 67% of the companies in the index are large cap, 20% are mid-cap and 13% are small cap companies.

For an unconventional approach that challeges market cap indexing, tap into the Powershares edge.

Carl T. Delfeld President& Publisher Chartwell Partners

Carl Delfeld has over twenty years of experience in the global investment business with a strong background in Asia.

 Author of global investor primer The New Global Investor   President of the global investment advisory firm Chartwell Partners  Publisher of the Chartwell Advisor ETF Report and Asia-Pacific Growth   Columnist on global investing with Forbes Asia: Global Gambits  Former U.S. Representative to the Executive Board of Asian Development Bank  Chairman of the global economic strategy think tank ChartwellAmerica   Asian specialist with the U.S. Joint Economic Committee and the U.S. Treasury  Former member of the U.S. Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Committee  Former investment executive with Robert Baird & Company and UBS  Graduate of the Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy with economics scholarship from U.S.-Japan Friendship Commission  Exchange student at Sophia University, Japanese Ministry of Education Fellow at Keio University

Downbeat Stocks

In fact, trading this way can cause financial loss very fast. It is true; by using this method you can make a lot of money fast. As mentioned above, if you get this method wrong, you can lose all of your money just as fast. There are options available to investors who wish to make a steady profit and not have to rely on the fast moving stocks. If you wish to create a passive income from investing, you still need to be careful. You need to ensure that you have everything set up correctly. You must also take care to check in on those investments. You really shouldnt treat it as a set it and forget it method of income. There is a possibility the investments wont do as well as you had hoped. The income you had hoped to rely on may not be there passively. Take our advice and make sure to monitor investments, even if they are considered to be passive.

One of the best ways to create a passive income from investing is to choose under priced stocks from the start. Its almost pointless to buy stocks which are good performers but are priced high. If you invest in these types of stocks you wont make as much of an income as you would on stocks that are good performers but are under valued. You need to make sure you take time for planning and to do a lot of research. By putting in a solid effort in time and research you will be able to buy the right stocks at the right prices and make high returns on your investments. The types of stocks you want to buy are stocks of companies who are strong, yet, the price of their stock is lower than what the stocks real worth is. The logical question you need to ask, is why the stock is priced low in the first place? While it may be tempting to place a buy order on an under valued stock, its not advisable to do so until you find out why. If you fail to heed this one word of caution, you may find it will wind up costing you a lot of money. What looked like a good deal, could turn into a miserable failure. If you do the proper research, including why the stock is priced low, you will be able to uncover some excellent downbeat stocks which will give you a great profit. These stocks will also produce for you without you having to do a lot of trading and profit taking.

When you are doing your research you should first use the industries tab. This will allow you to sort through them to find out which are going to do well for you. If you sort them by using the "RT" then you should be able to get a better view of what is going to work well. You need to find the ones that have the lowest "RT" rating as these are likely to be the most downbeat stocks that will give you the best opportunity for a good profit.

There are two separate criteria that you need to look for to make sure that they have potential. But you need to make sure that they have both of these elements and not just one or the other to know that it is a good stock. You need to make sure that the industry has a cumulative PE of 8 or less. You also need to make sure that the industry has a price to sales ratio of less than 1. When you find a stock with these two characteristics then you need to also make sure the industry also has the lowest "RT" on that day. Do not ignore these conditions as they are very important to making sure that the stock you are buying is going to make you a good profit. You will not find these conditions very often so when you do, you will need to buy a considerable amount of stock to make it worth your while, very often from 100,000 to 500,000 is a good idea. As you will find stocks like this only 10 or 25 times a year it is important to buy them when you do. Then you will find that there are good longer profits over a year or more. This may give you a win percentage of over 94% and massive returns.

Very simply put, when you find them make sure that you buy the stock that has the highest relative value with lowest PE. This will give you the right information on which to base your buying. You also need to do some research on the stock to make sure that it is a good buy. is a very good place to look at the recent activity on the stock and this will help you to get a better view of what is going on with the trading. It is only after you have done all of the research and made sure that all of the conditions are right that you should buy. If you do this then you will make sure that you have the best chance of making a good profit. This may give you 1 to 3 years returns in the triple digits consistently and this can give you a very nice income indeed.

Get your Momentum Stock Trading System and sign up for my free weekly online trading system newsletter here at:

Flipping Properties Works In Any Market

For years, hot-shot speculators made huge profits flipping condos in Florida and Vegas before they were even constructed. All the while, the naysayers in the ivory towers of Wall Street and academia warned of a "housing bubble" that was sure to burst as all bubbles do.

When Fed chairman Alan Greenspan said that national real estate market was "frothy," the writing was really on the wall, and anyone with half a brain could see that we were in for a cooling of the housing market, at best. And yet still, speculators continued to profit, and the real estate bull market marched on.

But the bulls aren't marching now. Greenspan handed his matador's cape to the new Fed chairman, Ben Bernanke, who continued the policy of interest rate hikes designed to deflate housing. No longer accelerating at a break-neck pace, home prices have flattened like a pancake in many markets, and new the condo speculators who got in late are in for a world of hurt. Clearly, the housing boom is over in many parts of the Country. But contrary to the media hype, this is great news for flippers!

It should be made clear that there is a difference between flipping and speculating. While speculators may be a sub-set of flippers, they are, at best, the amateurs of the real estate investing family. Flippers who have consistent success are more conservative and have a fundamental approach to real estate investing. While it may not be as exciting as speculating, the rewards of more conservative flipping are nearly as generous, and they are paired with far less risk.

The biggest difference between flipping and speculating is that flipping works in any market, whereas speculating only works in certain places at certain times. Las Vegas from 2002 to 2004 was a great time and place to be a speculator, but if you were still in the market in 2006, chances are you got burned by more than the hot desert sun.

Basically, speculating often works on the greater fool thesis - that you can always find a greater fool than yourself to take a property off your hands in the expectation that he will be able to find yet a greater fool. Eventually, someone is left holding the bag and that's when the party is over.

Flipping, by contrast, relies on fundamentals. The idea is not to catch a shooting star in a rapidly appreciating market. Rather, the plan is to find undervalued properties, rehab them, present them in an attractive manner, and sell them for a reasonable profit.

Not only is a rising market not a requirement of flipping success, it may even be a mild detriment! After all, it is a bit harder to find bargain properties in booming areas. Sure, it can still be done, but the point is that even falling markets are prime for flipping since the holding period is often too short for the value of the property to decline beyond the deep discount at which it is purchased. Assuming that you add value through rehabbing, you almost can't lose!

While speculators often rely on the "greater fool" strategy, flippers tend to have one of two exit plans:

1) Quickly flip the title to another investor, or
2) Rehab and sell the property at the retail level. While the lion's share of the profits go to the retailer, a quick wholesale deal can free up your cash (and energy) for the next deal. But what if neither strategy works? What if the market really crashes and the buyers disappear? Is all lost? Of course not!

For complex economic reasons, the rental property market does not always correlate with the housing market. In fact, they are often countercyclical. Although most flippers aren't terribly interested in being landlords, generating rental income from a botched deal is a solid backup plan. Better yet, you can usually refinance the property after rehabbing it to get all of your money out.

From that point forward, the bulk of your rental income will be pure profit, and when the market improves, you can make the sale. Even better, you can offer your tenants a lease with an option to buy, which is attractive to many young families looking for their first home.

The media portrays real estate flippers as the investment world's answer to Wild West gunslingers, but in reality, nothing could be further from the truth. Compare the worst case rental income scenario of real estate flipping with the worst case Enron scenario of stock market investing. There really is no comparison!

If you take a fundamental approach to real estate rehabbing and flipping, your risk is limited and your profits are virtually limitless. It really is the best of all worlds.

Richard Reichmann is internationally known as a millionaire maker. He's a leading consultant in real estate and internet marketing strategies that are profit proven.

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The Great Impact Of Engraved Business Cards

"Talk does not cook rice" is an Old Chinese Proverb the significance of which is almost lost in our modern business world.

Even though English has become the preferred language of international business and scientific discussions, you may at some point do business in countries that are non-English speaking countries.

These countries insist on politeness and respect in business above all else. They prefer formal addressing of names and anything that seems too familiar is defined as lacking in respect. Social politeness is expected in dress and behavior. Proper etiquette is a traditional value that has for centuries permeated the cultures of many Eastern and some Western societies and properly engraved business cards that give business title and academic credentials, symbolizes elegance as well as compliance to required and preferred etiquettes. Engraved business cards are considered the most prestigious indicator of success and class in these countries.

Because of the expansion of the global marketplace, engraved business cards are demanding more and more attention.

Earlier these cards were simply for informational purposes and left behind as a calling card. Contemporary business cards include a contact email address and site's URL. An email and website address on a business card, shows that you are keeping up with the times and technology. Listing landline and cell phone numbers show that you are an accessible person who is available 24/7 to meet your clients needs. Business cards should not be stained or damaged. This attention to quality and appearance speaks volumes about you and your business. Beautiful, engraved business cards help to generate the allure and impact a clients perception of you as being capable of helping them with needs, purchases or lifestyle.

If you are in a start-up stage, you are going to make many decisions about your products and services that will not turn out as well as you hoped. For that reason do not invest in large quantities of expensive, embossed or engraved business cards and matching stationery when you don't even know whether you will soon change your address, telephone number, email address, business name, or even the products or services offered. You certainly won't lose any customers by ordering some nicely done plain, white cards that are professionally printed on adequate, not costly, card stock.

Please see below for more information on Engraved Business Cards.

For more information on Engraved Business Cards please visit, a popular website that offers information on Business Cards. Please leave the links intact if you wish to reprint this article. Thank you